About Us

PTS Mission Statement

Protestant Theological Seminary is committed to providing highly individualized and contextualized theological education that will spiritually, practically and academically equip students to face changing challenges of Christian minitry in a Biblically-sound and enthusiastic way.

General Overview

The PTF Mission Statement describes the very DNA of this strategic ministry of leadership development with which the Lord has entrusted us. Consequently, leadership development naturally became part of NSTS’ DNA. As such, it is far more than just a vision or experiment; it is a proven reality. Over the last eight years, a significant number of students have received contextualized and integrated theological training that has effectively equipped them for their leadership roles in their respective churches and Christian organizations. To God be all the glory!
PTS Accomplishments

Since the beginning of the PTS in 2000, 164 students have graduated at least one of our program (some students have graduated in more than one program) , they are comming from 28 Christian Denominations, from the West Balcan Region and 16 ethic groups.

In terms of NSTS’ total outcome, it is safe to say that thousands of Christians are directly and indirectly influenced by our graduates, since a great majority of them are in key leadership positions in their denominations, churches and Christian organizations. It is impressive to note that as many as 93.5 % of all of our graduates are in Christian ministry: 56.5% in full time ministry: 8.7% in part time ministry and 28.3% in tent-making ministries where they are working secular jobs for a living while active in ministry.

Most of the full-time ministers are key leaders in the context of their respective ministries.

Most impressive is the number of PTS graduates that are currently part of the PTS team; four staff and another nine who are professors and teaching assistants! In addition, our graduates have published dozens of articles in journals and magazines as well as publishing several books.

Overall, it means that during last eight years, by God’s grace, PTS has provided one graduate student per circa 140 Protestant-evangelical believers in the country. From a “maintenance” perspective – keeping in mind the Old Testament pattern of the Israelites army leadership when one person was over ten people – one may say that PTS has almost done its job because it has already “produced” the “type II” leaders, (those who are in charge of ten leaders each of whom is in charge of ten soldiers). However, the Kingdom of God is not about maintenance, it is about growth of the church and expansion of His rule in the hearts of people. It is about making all nations His disciples. It is about reflecting the glory of God that covers the earth. Therefore, we have just started!


Odluka o izboru u zvanje nastavnika prof. dr Gorana Golubovića za predmete Hrišćanska antropologija i Psihologija religije. На ...


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